Monday, March 29, 2010

Captain How!

While having teh tarik session with my client the other day, he told me about his company's previous Operations Manager (OM). This OM is a First Class Master Mariner, previously worked for an international Oil and Gas company. After retiring from this big company, he was employed by my client's company to tap his vast experince as a marine expert. Somehow, after a while, the staff dubbed him as "Capt How". The reason being, every time his staff had operation problems and brought up the matters to this OM, his standard response was how? How? .....This OM did not last long with his new job...

Hemmmm.....the moral of the story, don't be fooled by these dudes who claim to have long and high position in big international companies, When come to actual works, they know nuts.........

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lotus F1 Team

Found this article the other day, funny but the sarcasm is very true...Two big budget airline owners (Tony vs Branson) try to outdo each other on this F1 platform. The difference is that the former is trying to fulfill his ego with taxpayers' money ... remember when Petronas had decided to sponsor Merc team instead of Lotus F1 team, how disappointed Lotus F1 team was with the announcement ..... Interesting to see for how long this team can survive...knowing that other well established car maker teams, Toyota and Honda withdrew from the F1 due to tight budget..

How Lotus F1 can win the Malaysian Grand Prix

MARCH 23 — As season openers go, Bahrain GP turned out to be the biggest yawn in recent F1 memory.[1]
A snoozefest in the baking hot Arabian desert, it was so spectacularly boring that even the camels performed synchronised spitting in protest.
On my part, I managed to grow a beard, knit a sweater and negotiated a cease-fire in the Middle East while watching the race.[2]
F1 is in danger becoming mind-numbingly pedestrian affair this season, rather than the pinnacle of motorsports that it is.
But that is for Bernie Ecclestone to figure out with a little help from his friends. My focus and main concern is the pace — or rather, the lack of it — of our very own Malaysian team, Lotus F1 Racing.
The team qualified five seconds off the pace and the race wasn’t much better, although the team insisted that they were happy to have reached their target as Kovalainen and Trulli finished the race in 15th and 17th positions respectively.[3]
Not exactly something to write home about but rather bizzarely, it was enough to prompt a celebration, and the team popped the bubbly in Sakhir.
I hate to spoil all the warm and fuzzy feeling but before we go all cigar-and-confetti, it should be noted that this is F1 and completing a race is the minimum expected from competing teams.
As Lord Browne of Madingley [4] famously observed,[5] there is a huge difference between blind optimism and denial, and positive PR spin cannot obscure the yawning chasm between Lotus and the front-runners.[6]
I admit that I am not particularly enamoured or impressed by the Lotus F1 venture. Having said that, I’d like to think that I am as patriotic as the next person, so I suppose I should help by coming up with some ideas which can help Lotus F1 team to boost its chances.
I have come up with a cunning plan to improve Lotus F1 performance and spare everyone from further embarrassment.
In fact, the strategies that I am going to outline below will allow the new incarnation of Team Lotus — which is a private venture and not using taxpayers’ money — will score its maiden victory at Sepang Circuit on April 4th, 2010.
This should give Lotus F1 — which is a private venture and not using taxpayers’ money — some semblance of respectability and silence the critics.
My humble suggestions are as follows:
Road blocks
Setting up road blocks is a skill that our authorities have perfected on Malaysian roads not only during festive seasons and musim-musim perayaan (Ops Sikap et al), but also during normal peak hours. If we can put this obstacle in place at Sepang Circuit, then it will be a more effective way to slow down the cars than, say, building more chicanes. This will allow Lotus Racing to catch up and — dare I say it — overtake the rest of the grid. First win of the season, here we come, baby!
Pot holes
Mr Ecclestone did mention last season that our Sepang facility looked a bit tired and shabby. Although we have the budget to spruce up the track,[7] don’t spend the money just yet and don’t fix the potholes.[8] Once the race starts, bring out our JKR guys and this should trigger a Safety Car [9] situation. Behind the pace car, everyone will travel at more or less the same pace, so we won’t be 5-6 seconds off the pace anymore. Problem solved.
We can install temporary toll booths at the entry and exit of the pit lane. Teams will be asked to pay cash and you can imagine the stunning spectacle of Fernando Alonso fumbling over foreign coins to pay the right amount of toll charges, and cars queuing for their turn. For Lotus, of course we will equip the car with a state-of-the-art technology called “Smart TAG.” I know it doesn’t always work [10] but it is certainly faster. This should allow Lotus to gain a few precious seconds against its rivals.
The benefit of this intervention is limited because of the no- refuelling rule and most teams will probably make only one pit stop to change their tyres during the whole race. Therefore, we should consider introducing mandatory toll charges every 10 or 15 laps.
Strategic placements of sign boards
If you are driving at Sepang Circuit, you will see two types of signboards along the 5.543km track viz. (a) the advertisement by sponsors, and (b) the 200-100-50 signages which indicate the distance to the next turn and, by extension, your braking point.[11] I would suggest that we replace these signboards with the confusing ones we normally have on our roads in Klang Valley. For instance, we know that if we were to follow a signboard that says ‘Damansara’, we either promptly end up in Hulu Langat or arrive in Damansara three days later.
We should install something similar at Sepang Circuit to confuse the drivers and they will probably end up in Dengkil or Senawang instead of finishing the race. Alternatively, we can also replace the advertising boards with photos of grinning politicians wishing the rakyat Selamat Hari Raya/Gong Xi Fa Cai/Happy Deepavali.
Teams to use different fuels
We should insist on using RON97 for Lotus F1 and RON95 for the rest of the grid. If we believe half of the things that the self-proclaimed motorheads in Malaysia are saying about how RON97’s extra oomph and vroom, then Lotus F1 has a good chance of outpacing its rivals.
And just to spite everyone, RON97 will be available to Lotus F1 at the current subsidised rate of RM 2.05 while the subsidy elements in RON95 pricing will be removed completely. Now, THAT will hurt them financially.
Compulsory road tax for F1 cars
The teams must now apply for a special road tax, and we must make them believe that it’s easy to apply for one. All they have to do is go online, click a few icons, and Nor Fazura will miraculously appear infront of them, bearing the proper documentations. In reality, we will of course frustrate them by making them work through the bureaucracy juggernaught.
Imagine having team representatives ambil nombor and queueing, while the officers in charge disappear for their 3rd mid-morning teh tarik and return hours later to inform everyone that ‘fail hilang’. One more distraction for the teams [12] and I can already imagine Luca di Montezemolo [13] fuming over this matter.
Change the food in the paddock
Say goodbye to pasta and all the healthy options, and say hello to nasi lemak, nasi kandar, mee goreng mamak, chee chong fun and ewe char koay. And of course, the invigorating and all-pervasive teh tarik. It will upset the diet of their drivers and they will not be able to perform at their optimum level.
Expect some comic moments as the likes of Vettel, Alonso and Hamilton dashing for the toilets just before the race, no thanks to nasi kerabu with budu. That would make for excellent TV – a perfect antidote the somewhat boring race we’ve seen so far.[14] Trulli and Kovalainen on the other hand will have no such problem because they are Lotus drivers and Lotus is a Malaysian team (not British, mind). They both would have been properly conditioned by now and can withstand the rigours of nasi kandar ayam madu kuah campur and a helping (or two) of teh tarik.
Teams to travel on Air Asia
This is part of our two-pronged strategy (see also ‘Hotels’ below) to make it difficult for all teams right from the start. Seduce them with cheap Air Asia fares, which means (a) everyone can fly (b) everyone has to cope with the usual delays, and (b) everyone has to use the LCCT, which has rubbish facilities, really. The teams should also be asked to get their own taxis from LCCT to their hotels (good luck with that). A frustrating time is guaranteed for all.
To compound their misery, put the teams in hotels that are far from the circuit. Traditionally, teams stay at KLIA Pan Pacific and Putrajaya Marriott which are a short drive to Sepang Circuit. The trick is to put all the teams (except Lotus F1, which can remain in either hotel mentioned earlier) in hotels closer to KL so that the traffic jam will absolutely kill them. There are plenty of 5-star hotels right smack in the middle of KL, and there’s no shortage of rumah tumpangan. But of course, the best option is Tune Hotel (ahem), which is on Jalan TAR, where the traffic can be a bit of a nightmare. There’s an LRT station nearby, but you know how LRT works in this country. Again, the key is to frustrate the teams.
Use outriders
If all of the above measures fail to curtail the speed of the rivals relative to Lotus’ own tortoise-sque pace, then we have one more ace up our sleeves: use of outriders, courtesy of Polis DiRaja Malaysia. Instead of wasting their time weaving in and out of heavy traffic in KL to make sure VIPs/VIPs-wannabe can breeze through in their non-JPJ-approved tinted Mercedes, they will be better utilised to provide police escort to Lotus F1 team. All other cars on the grid will be forced to slow down and give way, so Lotus cars can gently move themselves up towards the sharper end of the grid, all the way to the chequered flag.
Now, you will have noticed that most of the above measures will require some fairly minor tweaking of existing regulations, and possibly renegotiations of commercial rights owner, Lord Bernie.
You may argue that there’s no way on earth that the FIA is going to allow this to happen, but here comes the clever bit. We can — in fact, will — use our very own secret weapon within FIA: Datuk Seri Jean Todt, the current FIA President.
We can get him to allow special dispensation and bend the rules a bit only for the Malaysian Grand Prix. I mean, if he cannot help us with this, then what for we gave him Datukship? He thinks can simply get, issit? How can. We already scratched his back, so now is time for him to scratch our bottoms.
To sweeten the deal, maybe we can offer him to buy one of the islands off Terengganu waters at a heavily discounted price.[15] Alternatively, the price of land and houses in Selangor is pretty good too.
According to an ex-government servant who shall remain nameless, you can actually purchase a 50,000 sq ft house/mansion/estate for as little as RM3.5 million, which is probably how much Jean Todt makes in 20 minutes for looking all serious in the F1 paddock and occasionally rubbing his belly. An amazing deal and a win-win situation, I’d say.
As for Bernie Ecclestone, we just have to work things out with the F1 chief and negotiate some kind of commercial deals to get him to support the regulation change. Presumably, everything has a price, and Tony Fernandes is a businessman extraordinaire and an excellent deal-maker.
As things stand, we have one week before the race in Melbourne and two weeks before the F1 circus comes to town. We should start putting the measures I just suggested in place. We don’t have a lot of time but everything can be achieved if we do our work with unwavering patriotism.
If the suggested strategy actually works, I am confident that Lotus F1 Fan Club membership will swell beyond its current tally of three shareholders, an electrician, a slightly deaf Galápagos giant tortoise (Geochelone nigra)[16] and a Nepalese goat (Nepalianus Capra hircus).[17] But if it doesn’t work, we can remain optimistic and grin like a bunch of idiots, and our prospects will be immeasurably enhanced.[18]
If Lotus F1 actually wins a race, there will be another interesting thing to observe. The Italian/Finland national anthem will be played first [19] followed by the constructor’s national anthem. Now, considering that Lotus is a Malaysian entry, the national anthem that will be played is ‘Negaraku’ and not ‘God Save The Queen’.[20]
I am sure Malaysians will be proud and swell with pride, but I wonder how the British public will react. After all, Lotus F1 is really part of British racing heritage and they are mighty proud of it. And we already promised to protect the legacy left behind by the legendary Colin Chapman.
But that’s a different discussion for another day in a different column.
In the meantime, all together now: Malaysia Boleh!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kamus Yeop 16 - Basi

Semalam balik kampung dan sebelah petang bawak Oun dan Abang Ngah ke kedai gunting Abang Pi. Sekepala baru RM3, murah tu... Abang Pi ni dah menggunting rambut dari zaman kita kecik kecik lagi sampai le sekarang. Dulu kecik kecik, sebulan sekali, ikut arwah Apak naik basikal beso dia, duduk kat palang ke pekan, pergi gunting rambut kat kedai Abang Pi. Lepas tu Apak belanja makan mee rebus kat kedai Hamid sebelah. Kedai Abang Pi sekarang tak banyak berubah walau pun dah berpindah 2 , 3 kali.

Masa menunggu giliran bebudak bergunting sempat bersembang dengan Alang Dan. Dia kata pagi tadi ada orang kampung meninggal dunia. Yang tukang buat keranda tu masa sukat panjang keranda berpandukan panjangnya arwah saja , tak ada basi. Terkejut pulak bila dia sebut basi. Dalam hati apa hal pulak orang dah mati ada masaalah basi basi ni..... Sebenarnya basi ni bahasa lama selalu diguna oleh tukang jahit atau tukang kayu. Maknanya "lebih". Kalau potong kayu/kain tu kena ada basi dikedua dua hujungnya. Teringat pulak Mak Muo pun selalu sebut basi bila dia bercakap pakai potong potong kain yang dia ambil upah jahit dulu dulu....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Berkelah di Kebun Pak Uda CNY 2010

Balik bercuti ke kampung semperna CNY. Ramai ramai berkelah makan tengah hari di tepi sungai kat kebun Pak Uda. Habis makan semua pakat terjun sungai. Pak Uda tolong pimpinkan Mak turun mandi.

Jumpa bebudak kampung menyelam tembak ikan.. Teringat masa zaman kecik kecik dulu, buat benda yang sama. Tapi sekarang ni lubuk pun dah tak ada. Ikan pun dah kurang banyak. Ikan rhong, ubi, lampam, baung, sebarau, tengas, kelah, selemang, tilan, sia sia, umbut umbut, kaloi, udang galah. Banyak yang dah pupus.....

Birthday Oun

Oun anak Millennium. Buat birthday dia kat Club house. Dia ajak ramai kawan kawan dia. Dalam cuaca yang panas berbahang ni, bebudak tak sabar sabar terjun berenang. Kawan kawan Abang Ngah and Cipa pun ramai datang. Cuma Kak Long aje tak ada bersama. Happy birthday Oun