Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Masaalah Negara"

Thanks Mak Yang for doing the "dirty job" on behalf of us, 7 siblings. Pheww.......kena tempias....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My prayer is answered

Akhirnya mak bersetuju berjumpa doktor pakar lutut. 8 Julai ni hari operationnya. Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar..... It has been a long battle and a lot of persuasion to convince her to undergo this operation.....

"Sinful" Indulgence

Last weekend while jogging with my HM, our lucks came in handy. We stepped on coins twice. The moment you saw the coins, your mind immediately responded "boleh beli icecream..!!!!", macam kecik kecik dulu....During the old days, aiskrim Malaysia was our favorite or rather affordable...10 sen/piece hemm.... can make your hot afternoon feel immaterial. Sucking the aiskrim plastic with your buddies under pokok ubi gajah...

Unfortunately, when come to our kids, ice creams are strictly "controlled items". Cipa is very sensitive to ice and aiskrim Malaysia is totally banned for her. When she came back from school with heavy coughs, immediately we knew that she had had some aiskrim Malaysia outside the school compound.

The other day, our friend told us about his father's trick when he was small. Every time the ice cream man made his daily round, he would ask the father about the noisy bell. His father never failed to answer "orang jual ayam..."

As for me and my HM, we always secretly buy and eat our favorite ice cream (macadamia Haagan Dazs....!!!) on the way home from work and increase the speed and the scoop as our car gets nearer to our home. The traces of the ice cream stay in the rubbish bin outside the house.....