Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kaikoura to Wellington

The last day on South Island. Another gloomy day..... Left the campervan site at 10am to catch up the ferry to North Island, Wellington, our next stop. Should have spent an extra day at Kaikoura to sight see the place. It is a beautiful town by a seaside. The trip to the ferry terminal was by the coastal road. Excellent views , the road, the railway and the sea all the way... The kids were excited seeing wild seals on rocks.....
Stopped by the roadside to buy some crayfish. Eventually decided to buy 4 of them using the money that we were supposed to spend on tickets for the Royal Albatross Conservation tour the day earlier. Both of them (the crayfish and the albatross) are animals right!! The only difference is that we consume the former but we conserve the latter.......
The end of our Southern chapter....

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