Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cipa dan Ramadhan

Hari puasa pertama dan kedua Cipa puasa penuh masa kami semua di kampong Muar. Kuat juga anak kecik 6 tahun ni berpuasa. Balik ke Kajang , Papa dan Mama dia pergi kerja, Cipa tak puasa. Esoknya dia janji berpuasa sampai pukul 2 petang. Dia kata ok. Lusanya dia janji berpuasa sampai pukul 4 petang. Hari ni mama dia kata Cipa puasa sampai pukul 5 ok? Mula tu dia kata ok, tapi dia ubah fikiran pulak. Pukul 1 la dia cakap ... Mama dia tanya ngapa pulak pukul 1? Dia jawab, kan belum pernah berbuka pukul 1 lagi... Hemm betul jugak....

Hari tu, Cipa cakap kat Mama dia... Cipa suka bulan puasa! Kenapa? Mama dia tanya balik. Sebab bulan puasa, Mama dan Papa balik cepat... Mama masak.... Makanan sedap sedap........ Hemmmm. My wife and I have been discussing the same topic since early this year. My wife is eager to quit her job and become a full time house wife. The question is when? Hopefully we can make our decision by end of the year and Cipa , and the rest of our kids for that matter , would have their Mum most of the time at home. Sometime we think that by having both husband and wife working full time, we would be able to give all the material needs to our kids... Only to realise that what they need is our time together at home most of the simple as that... True enough , Cipa managed to fast for the first 2 days because we were there to give her encouragement and support all day. We slept beside her when she was tired........Wallahualam

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