Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ramadhan & 3 Rings in Life

Ramadhan is here again..... The other day, while having our berbuka puasa, Abang Ngah popped up a question "Ma, what is "Engagement Ring'"? My wife answered "Cincin Pertunangan!" Abang Ngah continued that he read one joke the other day, There are 3 rings in life, 1) Engagement Ring, 2) Wedding Ring and 3) Suffer"ring". We had a good laugh!! Luckily I was drinking at that time.........

My yearly routine on the first day of puasa ( just after berbuka puasa), to send sms to my friends "Yahoo, raya lagi 29 days!!". My friend, Non from Utara, always replies back "hang ni tak abih abih cerita pasai ni!!!. My reply to him "At least you know that I'm still alive and communicating with you!!"

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