Friday, October 30, 2009

The Lion That Roars

Some people say a car is simply a car, transporting you from point A to point B. I couldn't agree more!!!. But this beast is a different animal altogether (at least to my own standard...), namely the red Pug 308 Turbo. Collected the Lion yesterday and have been enjoying sitting behind the wheel and pressing my itchy foot on the gas pedal. My two justifications to have this babe were to experiance my first brand new car in my life. The experiance of "koyak plastik" of the seats was priceless..... and the other reason was as a gift to my HM and to make my HM happier and hopefully i can play more golf with her blanket approval.... how's that!!! In fact she only knew about the Pug when she confronted me last night as soon as she arrived from work....She thanked me this morning for the car and mentioned to me "i have the car and you have a toy!" I replied, no, now i have 2 toys!!!!

Abang Ngah, Oun and Cipa were quite impressed with the car, especially the moon roof!!. Papa beli cash ke??? Abang Ngah popped up the question.... Tak de lahh, Papa beli credit lee... Oun replied on my behalf.... Wahh!!!! even Oun knows better about hutang piutang and the reality about our life nowadays ....Anyway , being patriotic, I need to support our local bank........Meantime, looking forward to spending more time with this Lion that roars......

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cipa & Skrip

Malam ni Cipa keluarkan sehelai kertas dari dalam beg sekolah tadikanya. Kertas tu dah renyok teruk. Di sebelah kanan kertas sudah hampir hancur dan koyak teruk. Rupa rupanya kertas tu skrip show untuk hari konsert sekolah tadika dia nanti. Dia dok pegang kertas tu hari hari semasa berlatih dan tempat yang koyak teruk tu pasal tangan dia berpeluh....... Dia pun keluarkan gam suruh kita baik pulih kertas tu balik. Mama dia cakap nanti minta kat teacher kertas baru, tapi dia tak nak jugak. Cakap kat dia kita photostat yang baru. Dia tanya apa photostat tu..... Bila dia faham dia merengek suruh buat malam ni juga. Terpaksa la pergi ke kedai pergi photostat untuk dia.....

Cipa & Friend

Aren't they adorable!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Kamus Yeop 11 - Sembae

Jangan le keluo masuk rumah tak pakei kasut, habih besembae rumah.... Sembae tu sama le dengan pasir.....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oun & His School Shoes

Unbelievable! This morning I saw Oun's shoes were really in bad condition. Worse than my bad school shoes during my primary years. I gave him the other pair which had been sitting there in the shoe rack for donkey years but no... Oun still prefered the same old shoes. He can't even give me a good answer when I asked him why he did not use the other pair.... I had been complaining about his bad shoes and his standard answer was that these shoes are my Darjah 1 shoes and you did not buy me a new pair earlier this year.....

On a brighter note, when I took the photos of the shoes this morning they turned out quite good using my new Nokia 86 8MP.....

Nyah & her Haj

Nyah and Mudzil safely departed Malaysia to perform their haj. Managed to send them off at Komplek Tabung Haji in Kelana Jaya together with my other four siblings. Unfortunately mak was not able to be there due to her poor health and sakit lutut. The place was crowded and hot at the beginning but later it rained. Unlike the sending off crowds, those people that were about to depart to perfom their haj, they were not disturbed by the hot weather and leasurely had conversations with their relatives. I think it was more due to their full concentration on going to "Rumah Allah" that anything else was a small matter to them!, that's the spirit guys!. Pity that Mak Muo and Mak Long were not able to join Nyah as originally planned. Mak Muo encountered a minnor stroke 2 months earlier. She had earlier attended the haj classes on weekly basis. Now recuperating and undergoing physiotheraphy programme to reactivate her hand and leg muscles . Hopefully she will be back on her good health condition to perform haj next year. Mak is also planning to perform her 2nd. haj next year, but her cronic sakit lutut worries me alot. Has been persuading her to undergo a knee operation to replace her wasted knee cap, she but she is very adamant not to accept my offer.

I was so happy to seeing Nyah finally fulfilled her dream to go to Mekah. She has been struggling throughout her life, even now. Starting her first job as a clerk in Kuala Lumpur back in the early eighties. She was the breadwinner to the family after Apak passed away many many years ago. She had been subsidising me during my student days with her little extra money in hand. Later on her married life was in teeter and continued her life as a single parent to raise up four kids. Now her life is more stable despite having trouble with her second son. I pray hard that her doas while in Mekah will be answered and for her to have more peaceful and blessed life with her kids.

As for me, I'm looking forward to performing my haj. Ideally, I should go with mak next year. If that is the case, I have to start motivating my body and mind to that direction.... hemmmm.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kamus Yeop 10 - Tak Semiak

Lepeh makan sambe tempoyak pedeh dengan petei tadi, perut aku rasa tak semiak le pulak... (perut tak sedap le tu memuleh muleh....)

Tak semiak betoi perangei bubudak mat rempet tu, buat keroje tak senonoh depan orang (perangai tak eluk le tu...)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kamus Yeop 9 - Libang libu

Kome semua ni asik berambat ke tengah ke dapo, libang libu perut aku dibuatnya..... Macam mana aku nak siapkan keroje dapo ni.....Maknanya tak aman le tu....

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pak Long Muo

Pak Long yang masih sihat dan gagah mengayuh basikal

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kamus Yeop 8 - Yang berkait dengan Deroyan

1. Mentimun ayo - isi deroyan muda yang baru nak menjadi, tengan rangup dan tak berapa manis lagi
2. Melemak - isi deroyan muda yang dah nak mula masak dan rasanya lemak lemak.
3. Mangko - isi deroyan yang dah masak, tapi keras
4. Jeruk antu - Isi deroyan yang teruk berulat. Konon kononnya hantu yang buat jeruk
5. Becung - deroyan yang masak tapi pecah hujungnya. Kurang kicknya sebab gas dah keluo
6. Hangit - bila kita makan deroyan rupa lebam sebab bergoncang kuat sangat dan rasanya macam hangit hangit
7. Sedara deroyan - ni orang yang suka makan deroyan tapi cuma muncul balik kampung bila musim deroyan aje.. kalo musim deroyan memang kampung sibuk dengan kereta kereta sedara deroyan ni.. time lain tak balik kampung pulak....

Oun yang sentimental

Hari Ahad, seminggu raya lepas magrib baru nampak batang hidung Oun. Dia keluar dari pagi dengan Abang Ngah beraya sakan kat keliling taman. Bila balik nampak moody aje. Dia kata lapar. Pergi le pasar malam beli nasi ayam dan kejutkan dia untuk makan. Lepas makan dia mula menangis tak berhenti henti. Mama dia tanya ngapa... tak nak jawab.....nangis berdengung dengung....Mamanye tanya lagi... ngapa. Tak jawab jugak. Mama sudah naik angin nak rotan dia... baru dia cakap terdesak desak, dia sedih tak dapat jumpa Zara... Sikenit 6 bulan ni , sepupu Oun datang tengahhari kat rumah sampai le petang, tapi sebabkan si Oun tak balik rumah dari pagi sampai petang, tak le dapat jumpa Zara. Itu le penyebabnya sedih sangat. Nak tidur pun masih teresak esak, sampai Abang Ngah mengamuk.. bising ... kacau tidur dia. Mamanya call Mak Andak cerita pasal tu, dan Zara akan datang hari Sabtu depan, ada open house makan deroyan.... Harap harap terubat le rindu Oun.......

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Raya Puasa 2009

Yang menarik raya tahun ni

1. Lemang mak tak berapa menjadi
2. Anjang, Pak Anjang, Joji dan Safa ada di kampong masa BBQ malam 2 raya
3. First raya untuk Zara
4. Cipa The Champion - Dapat duit raya paling banyak
5. Makan ikan jewalat sungai Kampong gajah dan ikan sebarau dari Lenggong.
6. Mak Muo beraya di atas kerusi roda
7. Tido kat "bilik pengantin" selepas 14 tahun....