Friday, October 30, 2009

The Lion That Roars

Some people say a car is simply a car, transporting you from point A to point B. I couldn't agree more!!!. But this beast is a different animal altogether (at least to my own standard...), namely the red Pug 308 Turbo. Collected the Lion yesterday and have been enjoying sitting behind the wheel and pressing my itchy foot on the gas pedal. My two justifications to have this babe were to experiance my first brand new car in my life. The experiance of "koyak plastik" of the seats was priceless..... and the other reason was as a gift to my HM and to make my HM happier and hopefully i can play more golf with her blanket approval.... how's that!!! In fact she only knew about the Pug when she confronted me last night as soon as she arrived from work....She thanked me this morning for the car and mentioned to me "i have the car and you have a toy!" I replied, no, now i have 2 toys!!!!

Abang Ngah, Oun and Cipa were quite impressed with the car, especially the moon roof!!. Papa beli cash ke??? Abang Ngah popped up the question.... Tak de lahh, Papa beli credit lee... Oun replied on my behalf.... Wahh!!!! even Oun knows better about hutang piutang and the reality about our life nowadays ....Anyway , being patriotic, I need to support our local bank........Meantime, looking forward to spending more time with this Lion that roars......

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