Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oun and His Piggy Bank

How safe are our banks? I reckon they are very safe. However, Oun has his own idea and standard on safety issue of his money. When I came back from work yesterday, I saw Oun wrap a box with a small black towel. A long stand of yellow thread was later used to tie the towel and the box. I asked him, buat apa? He replied casually , tabung Oun....!!

This morning, I saw the "thing" on the table in his room. I asked him again... he replied , Oun ada simpan duit Oun dalam tu... only then I found it very very funnny. I asked further, macam mana nak tambah saving Oun dalam tabung tu?? Oun simpan banyak banyak dulu kat luar baru masuk tabung tu......was his answer.....Immediately, I told my HM about it. In fact, his Mama had asked him earlier what was inside the box. .. She informed me that there are many layers of "protection" of his piggy bank . The first layer in the box is a teddy pencil case followed by a big pencil case and finally his money is in a smaller pencil case.... amazing.....and I told my HM, he should have added a number combination as a safety code.

It all started when Oun complained earlier that he had lost his saving that he hid behind a photo frame. Abang Ngah was also having the same problem. We had suspected that the maid (who ran away last week anyway ...!) pinching their savings.

So, he came up with his own solution... good luck Oun.....

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